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Veteran helicopter rescue pilots quoted by the journal, say a rescue of a few dozen people would have been difficult but possible in 2001. However, according to the NIST report, at 9:43 a.m. the NYPD First Deputy Commissioner ordered that no roof rescues were to be attempted. Was he just following instructions from FEMA's command center at Pier 92?

Screen Capture from the NEW DVD
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Veteran helicopter rescue pilots quoted by the journal, say a rescue of a few dozen people would have been difficult but possible in 2001. However, according to the NIST report, at 9:43 a.m. the NYPD First Deputy Commissioner ordered that no roof rescues were to be attempted. Was he just following instructions from FEMA's command center at Pier 92?
Screen Capture from the NEW DVD
© 2005 Blue Star Media Group - All Rights Reserved